Why we stand up

On Pink Shirt Day, you can find our team members standing up against bullying—together.

By Ryan McMillen 21 February 2020 2 min read

Nearly everyone has dealt with bullying at some point in their life. Whether it took place in school, at home or in the workplace, it’s clear that bullying can happen anywhere. Pink Shirt Day takes place every February where we wear pink to symbolize that our society does not tolerate bullying. It is a day meant for each and every one of us to stand up against bullying, together. This year it will be taking place on February 26.

ATB is proud to be involved in the stand against bullying. As long time participants of Pink Shirt Day, as well as partners with anti-bullying programs such as fYrefly and WiseGuyz, ATB strives for a future where bullying of any kind does not exist. 

We spoke with three ATB team members to learn why they take part in Pink Shirt Day: Camille Weleschuk, VP Office of the CEO and Government Relations; Pradeep Balasubramanian, Multimedia content designer; and Priyanka Kunyk, Community Initiatives Catalyst.

Group of ATB team members wearing pink shirts

“The unique experiences everyone brings is what makes this world such a great place”

Where we come from

When looking at the team members of ATB, you will find people of all different backgrounds and cultures. From those who grew up right here in Alberta, like Priyanka and Camille, to those who are from different countries and even continents like Pradeep, who spent time in Kuwait, Houston and Halifax growing up. People with different backgrounds bring different experiences to our workplace, and make it a place where we can learn from one another and grow to be better people than we were the day before. These different perspectives and personal histories are part of what makes ATB more than a bank.

ATB team member wearing pink shirt

“As a kid it’s hard to stand up, especially with little confidence in those situations. You look back on those experiences and learn from them though. That’s why it’s important to stand up as an adult and support each other”
- Camille

The difficulty of standing up

It is always easier to stand up with a group, but it’s not always easy to find a support group that gives you the confidence to stand up. Having that confidence to stand up for yourself or someone else can be incredibly difficult for those who don’t have a strong support group. That’s why at ATB, we stand up together to join initiatives like Pink Shirt Day to end bullying. We want to give our support to those who need it most because we know we have the ability and passion to do so.

ATB team members wear pink shirts

“I like initiatives that tell you that bullying is something to be taken seriously because it’s not something that just happens to young kids, it can happen to anyone. For me it’s about standing up for those who often can’t stand up for themselves.”

Why Pink Shirt Day is important to us

Everyone has their own reason for supporting Pink Shirt Day, but it always comes down to giving others the support they need to stand up against bullying. Team members like Pradeep, Camille and Priyanka understand the emotional toll that bullying can cause. However, they also understand that by taking the initiative to stand up and share their experiences with others, they can give confidence to those who may be going through a similar situation in their own lives.

On February 26 take a stand with us. Wear pink and share the hashtag #pinkshirtday on your social media channels along with a picture of you and a family member, friend or co-worker. Share your experiences and stand up with us as we push for a better, kinder tomorrow.

Find out how you can get involved with Pink Shirt Day

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