
Help young Albertans have more good days.

Image of teddy bear waving against gradient background

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Buy a bear in support of youth mental health.

One in five young Albertans struggle with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, eating disorders and schizophrenia—and only half can get access to the help they need. Let’s change that.

It’s the final year for Teddy for a Toonie and ATB is topping up every $1 you donate to $1.20 to support youth mental health programs.

The cause behind the paws: The Mental Health Foundation

A gift for young people today is a gift for a lifetime.

Mental illness is not just “something they’re going through.” It’s the beginning of a lifetime’s work of managing mental health and wellness. 

The right care at the right time can positively impact the trajectory of a young person’s wellbeing. For every $1 invested in integrated youth services, $10 is saved in future service costs.


Mental health problems start young. The solutions should, too.

Right now, only 1 in 4 young people with a mental health concern get the help they need–simply because of barriers to access.

What if there was somewhere young people could easily find the resources and tools they need to support and strengthen their health and wellness? 

With your help, there can be.

Kickstand Connect will improve access to services and provide a low-barrier option for young people, even in remote, rural, isolated, marginalized, or unsafe communities.


You want the best for your family. So do they.

Cost of care should never be the reason a parent can’t access help for their child. Yet almost one half of parents says money is a barrier to support. 


Making public mental health care more accessible helps families move forward on the road to recovery together. Learn more about our initiatives at